So far, the intubating thing is going OK. I'm on a schedule of intubating every 2-3 hours for one week, then 3-4 hours for two weeks then 4-5 hours for one week. After that I'll probably only need to intubate every 5 hours. Most people with a k-pouch only intubate 4 times a day and I'm totally excited about that prospect. I've got a solid month of hard work in front of me trying to "grow" my pouch. I have to intubate at night too which makes sleeping kinda difficult and I'm a little grumpy....
Intubating is really kinda weird. My catheter is clear and has a diameter smaller than a pea. One end is open and the other end is "bullet nosed" with two holes along the sides. That's the end that I stick into my stoma and stuff comes out the open end. Putting the tube in can be a little tricky though. There is a valve which goes through the muscle wall of the abdomen and ends in a stoma. The valve shuts to prevent any kind of gas or stool from coming out so I am continent. So in putting the tube in I have to apply slight pressure and just kinda wait. I have to make sure my stomach muscles are relaxed or there's no way the tube will go in, take deep and slow breaths and slowly turn the catheter keeping the slight pressure until POP I feel the cath slide past the valve and into the pouch. Then I still have to work against the muscles and the intestine to get the tube in because it will naturally push the tubing out. Once the tube is in stuff starts to flow out.

I will have to keep a cath, lubricant and bulb syringe on me at all times so I can intubate if I need to. When my pouch gets full I get a sensation of fullness, only lower down than my stomach. Also, my k-pouch seems to rest on my bladder so that causes a little discomfort sometimes, but I can live with it. When I'm done intubating I just cover my stoma with a little patch and off I go! No bag, no tube no nothing - I'm FREE. I'm very very excited and ready for life to normalize.

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