Monday, February 12, 2007

I've got intestinal disease, accept it.

I'm tired of being treated like I could be healthy if I really wanted to.
Why is it that if you've got heart problems or liver problems or cancer
people will accept the fact that you're sick and need a doctor but if you've got bowel disease (crohns or colitis) then you just aren't eating right.

I'm not saying that we don't eat a ton of crap we probably shouldn't here in the U.S. but if I get another leaflet or copy of Jordan Rubin's "Makers Diet" or Kevin Trudeau's "Natural Cures" I'm gonna scream. Please. No more mega supplements, powders, pills, grasses, smoothies or meditation exercises. No all-organic, raw foods only, liquids only, gallbladder cleansings, colon cleansings (I haven't got one!), think positive, pray and above all DON'T LOSE HOPE.

I had a lady tell me a couple of weeks ago "surgery and drugs are not the answer, God gave us intestines for a reason." I wonder, would she have said that to me if I had colon cancer? What if I needed a kidney transplant? Bad heart valve?
These people are talking like disease and bad health are unnatural. Since when?? Cause I see a lot of disease in the Bible and I'm pretty sure they ate all organic food, didn't wear sunscreen, got plenty of exercise and drank a lot of water without fluoride.

Have faith, pray, don't lose hope.
Don't you think I pray? Don't you think I've spent hours on my knees day after day after day, month after month? The truth of the matter is that God does not do a lot of healing these days. Notice I didn't say He can't (that would be a lack of faith) I'm saying He won't. I'm not being cynical, I'm being realistic. I've had more surgery and spent more time in the hospital in my 28 years than most of you will in your entire life. You can't tell me that's not God's plan for me.

I went to the best hospital in the country, had the best colorectal surgeon in the world look at me, I've tried all the medical therapy and was finally told there is nothing more that can be done. I've even tried chiropractors, special supplements and natural remedies. I've had hundreds of people praying for me, I had pastors gather around my hospital bed an lay hands on me but God has not healed me. I have a hole in my intestine, n
ow I'm trying to accept the fact that I've got to lose my j-pouch and my rectum so I can live a semi-normal life. One of the hardest decisions I ever made means I will never go to the bathroom like a human being again and I get treated like I gave up.

I have a disease. It will not in all likelihood kill me, but there is no cure. Its not easy to accept but I'm trying. Why can't anyone else accept it?

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