So I've talking about my ileostomy and stoma a bit and I realize that almost all of you out there have never seen an ileostomy and maybe you're not even quite sure what it is. So as today was happy wafer changing day I thought I'd take some pics and you can meet Willy my stoma.
Ok, so what exactly is a stoma?
Well thats the name for the portion of intestine that is brought through the abdominal wall and stitched to the skin. I've got my guts hanging out! You can think of it like a sock. Yes, I know, that sounds crazy.... but its easier to explain. Think of turning a sock half way inside out, then imagine that the portion where it begins to turn inside is the opening of the stoma and the edge is whats attached to the skin. Now you can push more of the sock out and just like that the stoma is supposed to protrude from the skin. Sometimes (usually when I've eating something particularly fibrous) the stoma retracts back inside (kinda freaky - huh!?!) I call it "burrowing" but most of the time he protrudes just like in this picture.

And yes, that is my midline incision you can see to the left of my stoma. Its actually pretty pale I think. I wear an ilestomy belt that pulls the appliance tight over my belly to help prevent leaking and because it feels more secure. The belt is tight though and it causes wierd indentations on my skin, particularly noticable on my scar because that tissue is much thicker than skin. So I'm not deformed - and yes, I am proud of my battle wounds! And my skin is PINK because I'm sensative but its not raw or sore or anything so its really fine.

And thats it.
So, now you know what a stoma is, and what my ilestomy looks like.
You've just earned a 1 CME Credit in Enterstomal Therapy - Congrats! :)
Carolyn and I think you and Shon should make a short film on the trials and life of your journey. It would be sooo indy and I'd go see it at the Seattle Film Festival.
Great information about ostomy
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